Suminagashi: Explore an Ancient Art with Japanese Water Marbling presented with Studio NPL and FiftyForward Donelson Station

HOST: FiftyForward Donelson Station

WHEN: Monday, October 16th 2023, 10:00am-12:00pm

REGION: Middle Tennessee

WHERE: FiftyForward Donelson Station, 108 Donelson Pike, Nashville, 37214

WHAT: In partnership with Studio NPL/Nashville Public Library, participants will learn about the history and cultural significance of the ancient art form called Suminagashi (sue-me-NAH-gah-she), meaning β€œink floating.” Create Japanese water marbling artwork using science and engineering principles of surface tension. 
The program will run for two hours. Wear art clothes or clothing that is washable; ink and paint materials will be used in the art making. 
Register in advance by calling 615-231-1230

COST: Free

AUDIENCE: Senior Citizens