Memphis Botanic Garden Alice Adventures in the Garden

WHEN: October 15, 2022 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

REGION: West Tennessee

WHERE: Memphis Botanic Garden - 750 Cherry Road, Memphis, TN 38117

COST: $12 Adults, $10 Seniors, $7 children

WHAT: Immerse yourself in wonder and whimsy at the Garden this Fall. Meet larger-than-life Alice in Wonderland themed sculptures constructed entirely of mosaiculture, the horticultural art of creating giant topiary-like sculptures using thousands of annual bedding plants to carpet steel armature forms. As you explore the Garden you’ll encounter The Red Queen playing her curious version of croquet, Alice spinning through Wonderland, card guards and pawns defending The Chess Set, and the mysterious grin of The Cheshire Cat.

The exhibit combines science, math, art and engineering. It is viewable now through October 22nd 2022. Our hours are 9 am- 6 pm every day.